Planning For Roll-Off Dumpster Rental In Wharton

by | Sep 24, 2019 | Waste Management

There are many different reasons that an industry, business, or even a contractor may require the temporary use of a dewatering system. They can be highly beneficial in cases where there is construction, upgrades, and renovations, or even retrofitting of an existing wastewater management operation.

In some cases, using a roll-off dumpster rental option as a dewatering box is cost-effective for a company that is just starting up. Using the roll-off dumpster rental also allows the business to try out the dewatering system and to determine the correct size of roll-off dumpster to use as the dewatering box.

Size Considerations Based on Volume of Water and Waste Solids

There are two sizes available in standard roll-off dumpster rental options. The smaller is a 15 cubic foot box that can be used to dewater up to 12,000 gallons of waste liquid with up to 2% solids.

The other option is the 30 cubic foot roll-off dewatering unit that can process up to 25,000 gallons with 2% solids. The difference is in the frequency of dumping the box, with higher volumes of waste liquids being a better match for the larger size.

Positioning the Dewatering Box

Making a choice of where to position the dewatering box in the property is also a consideration. It should be located out of major traffic areas on the property but also located close to access to the sewer for the water to drain. In addition, having the unit located close to where the wastewater leaves the building makes logical sense.

Local regulations may also impact where the dewatering box can be located. In most locations, the property owner needs to obtain a permit, and checking with local authorities before positioning the box can save time and complications in getting the system up and running.

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