Pool Repair: Pump Issues

by | Dec 12, 2019 | Swimming Pools and Spas

When you own a pool, chances are something will go wrong with it at some point. If you live in your home long enough and use your pool as you should, there are plenty of things that can break down. If you want to enjoy your pool, you might realize quite quickly that the pool pump is not working. There are a few things you can do to troubleshoot the issue before calling for pool repair professionals.

First, check to see if the power source that goes to the pump is working. If you have had a breaker flip off or a switch turned off, the pump will no longer work. If you are lucky, the problem will be something simple like that. If the switches and breakers seem okay, look at the wiring to see if there has been any erosion or corrosion.

Next, make sure the pump is in the off position and check for debris around the impeller. If the motor will hum but stop, the pump might simply be too dirty to operate properly. Your pool repair in Suffolk County NY will also be relatively simple if all you have to do is clean the pump in order to get it back into working order. If everything seems clean, check the wiring on the pump and make sure everything is in place. You might have a damaged capacitator, which is relatively cheap to replace.

If your pump is working, but does not seem to be as effective as it has been in the past, clean or replace the filter. There might also be large collections of leaves or other debris in other locations in the pool that could clog the entire system.

Also, you can raise the water level of the pool in order to check and see if the pump is taking in any air. The air system might need to be adjusted, or it could be damaged and need to be replaced. If there is air in the pump, look at the O-ring and make sure it is not cracked and that is has the proper lubrication.

You can even take the motor off the pump and see if it still makes a lot of noise. If it is loud when it is not attached to the pump, it likely needs to be replaced. If it is no longer lout when it is not attached, you might simply have a clogged line somewhere in the pump.

If you still cannot figure out what is wrong with your pump, your last resort might be to call us for a pool repair specialist. If you do not feel comfortable messing with your pump, you might want to call first instead of troubleshooting the issue on your own.

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