Prepare to Go Through Bail Bonding in Bartow

by | Mar 26, 2019 | Bail Bonds

Most people don’t realize how little they know about Bail Bonding in Bartow until they need to obtain a bond. When someone has been arrested, a family member or friend may want to secure a bond so the arrested person can be released from jail quickly. Before they speak with a bondsman, they’ll want to make sure they have everything they need.

Find Out the Bail Amount

The family member or friend should find out what the bail amount will be. In most cases, the arrested person will be notified of the bail amount when they’re processed into the jail. If the bail can vary for their charge, they will need to go before a judge to find out what the bail amount may be. This may take a little bit longer as they may need to wait for the next business day before they can go before the judge.

Gather Funds for a Deposit or Collateral

An individual who wants to secure a bond to help their family member or friend will need to gather either the funds to pay a deposit or paperwork to offer as collateral. The deposit is typically 10% of the full bail amount. Collateral can include the deed to a home, title to a vehicle or other paperwork denoting ownership of an asset that’s value is more than the full bail amount. This will be needed to be able to secure a bond.

Have Important Documents on Hand

Other important documents should be on hand if possible. The person securing the bond may need their state identification card or driver’s license. They may also want to bring the arrest report, which can show why their family member or friend was arrested and where they’re being held. This is especially important if the person securing the bond is not yet sure what the bail amount will be.

If you are ready to help a loved one who has been arrested, there are a few things you’ll want to have before you look into Bail Bonding in Bartow. Take the time to gather the information listed here and then speak with a bondsman from Zona Long Bail Bonds to start the bond process now.

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