Preparing For A Shed: It’s Not As Simple As It Looks!

by | Aug 1, 2019 | Home and Gardens

So you’ve made the decision to install a shed and you can hardly wait to fill it with all your tools and toys. But not so fast! A shed is a costly and long-term investment, and not one that you’ll want to just throw onto your property willy-nilly. Among others, consider the following tips and tricks when choosing where to put a shed on your property:

Keep an Eye Out

Before you begin to prepare your yard for your shed, you’ll want to ensure that it will hold up when Mother Nature comes to call. Look for areas of natural sunlight and make sure to take note of water run-offs, as you’ll want your shed to stay dry as often as possible. Consider future landscaping potential, as well as ease of entry/exit.

Remove Under- and Above-Growth

Though the lack of sunlight will kill undergrowth, you’ll still want to properly clear your location sight to prevent grass and weeds from damaging the underside of your shed. Trim branches as appropriate (especially if they bear sap) and chat with your insurance company to ensure that you follow all installation protocols in the case of natural disasters.

Landscape Appropriately

From gravel to gardens, you’ll want to do a bit of shed-scaping to be sure that your new structure isn’t an eyesore on your yard. Ensure quick water drainage with gravel, or turn your shed into a veritable cottage with a stone walkway and hedge of flowers. If you have one, relocate your fire pit far from your wooden shed’s reach.

Your shed is an investment, and Swingset & Toy Warehouse is here to help! Check out our extensive range of products online or visit one of our showrooms for yourself! Together, let’s turn your backyard from blah into beautiful!

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