Preparing Your Window for Glass Replacement in Atlanta GA

by | Jan 6, 2015 | Construction and Maintenance

The windows in your home are a part of your home’s security and insulation systems. When you have a window with a broken glass, it’s important to fix it promptly. Not doing so can compromise your safety by allowing greater access to your home. It can also allow treated air to escape your home. To prepare for a Glass Replacement in Atlanta GA, use the following guidelines.

To prepare for the Glass Replacement in Atlanta GA, you will need to remove the old glass safely. Before any work is done, ensure that you have on proper hand-wear. Wear work gloves that offer both cut and puncture protection. If the new window pane is very large, it’s a good idea to remove the entire window frame. Lay it on a table for support. Ensure that no children or pets are in your work area.

Start the removal of the old windowpane by firmly grasping the window frame with one hand. With your other hand, start removing large pieces of broken glass. Try to grab each piece of glass along a smooth side. Avoid contact with a jagged edge if possible. If there are no large pieces or place to start removing glass, you will have to break the glass away from you. Hold the glass with one had. With an instrument such as a hammer, very gently tap on the center of the glass. Do this so the glass will fall out away from you.

After there is a hole in the windowpane, start extricating pieces. When you have removed as many pieces as possible, remove old putty and glazier’s points from the window frame. Use a putty knife or jackknife for this. Move along the tracks slowly so you can break the putty up piece by piece. If there are any hard pieces of putty, you may need to warm them up so they are pliable. You can use a heat gun for this task. After you are done, you can use oil linseed along the tracks if your window frame is wood.

Carefully removing old putty and glazier’s points will enable you to start your Glass Replacement in Atlanta GA. Always use safety precautions and wear protective gloves during the entire process. For more information on glass services, please check out the website of MG Glass Inc. This company can handle residential and commercial glass replacement and more. Browse website for more information.


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