Proper Shooting Range Etiquette

by | Mar 12, 2013 | Recreation

A shooting range in Elgin is a safe and enjoyable place to practice shooting your gun. The place provides a safe backstop for bullets so there will be no ricochets and they also see to it that all the shooters in the facility shoot at safe targets and follow safety rules, most of which are common-sense.

Range shooting is generally vey safe but, wherever there is a loaded weapon there is the possibility of an accident, everyone at the shooting range in Elgin should be fully focused, concentrating on the task at hand and be very respectful. Everyone at the range, visitors and management alike expect certain rules to be followed:

*     Gun safety: Point the muzzle of your weapon in a safe direction, your finger must never be on the trigger until you are standing on the line and you have your gun pointed at the target. Point the muzzles downrange, it is very easy to swing around and point the weapon in the direction of someone; don’t do it.

*     Commands: All commands from the officer of the Shooting Range Elgin must be followed immediately. If the officers yells ‘Cease Fire,” he means it; stop firing, open the action on your weapon to remove any chambered cartridge, lay your weapon on the bench and step back.

*     During cease-fire: do not touch any weapon. Do not even pick up your gun and attempt to leave the range. If it’s a cease fire so someone can walk down-range to see his target, it is very disturbing to look up range and see someone with a gun in their hand.

*     Commence firing: The range officer will yell this command when it is safe to pick up your gun, chamber a round and fire downrange at your target.

*     No horseplay: Remember, bullets don’t play games, you shouldn’t either.

*     No interference: Do not interfere with shooters that are on the shooting range in Elgin, do not interrupt anyone when they are about to shoot unless you see that they are about to put someone in danger.

*     Do not shoot inappropriate weapons: Shoot only what the range allows you to shoot. Do not challenge the range officer on this, if the range does not allow shotguns or tracers or armor piercing bullets, it’s for a good reason. Many gun clubs have outdoor ranges for these weapons, including black powder.

*     Do not critique: Do not critique another shooters performance unless you have been asked to do so, any comments other than safety issues should be kept to yourself.

*     Clean up: When you are finished, clean the area that you were assigned. Throw away empty ammo boxes, used targets and any other trash. Grab a broom and sweep up the spent shell casings and put them in the recycling can. The next shooter will appreciate a clean area free from any under-foot hazards.

Target shooting can be a very enjoyable sport if everyone follows these very simple rules.



Going to the shooting range in Elgin can be good clean fun. Follow the rules that the management at Knob Creek Gun Range set and everyone will have an enjoyable day out.



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