PRP for Hair Loss: What to Know

by | May 2, 2018 | Health

Hair loss doesn’t just affect your appearance, it can undermine your self-esteem and confidence. If you’re looking for treatment that could change your life and help you get rid of your hair loss problems, then give platelet rich plasma therapy for hair loss in Boston MA a try:

What is PRP?

PRP treatment is ideal for curing hair loss. Scientific evidence has demonstrated how effective the treatment is at increasing hair count, says Allure. It also improves hair thickness and promotes better growth phase of the hair cycle.

How it happens

The process begins by drawing blood from a patient. Once that’s done, the blood is transferred to a centrifuge. This machine will spin the blood in a tube which will separate the red blood cells from the plasma. The plasma—which is loaded with platelets full of growth factors—is then injected directly into the scalp. The injections typically cover every half inch over the area that’s affected and usually takes no more than half an hour.

Risks that might be involved

There might be minimal discomfort that comes with the injections. That’s normal, though, and not a cause for concern. Ask your doctor for ways on how to minimize the pain after the procedure, in case there is any. Bruising might also occur but will usually be gone in a week or two.

What to remember

You might need to forego a bit of your hair maintenance routines especially if these involve coloring, processing or blow-drying your hair. Instead, go for a warm shower after the procedure. The hot temperature will boost blood flow and circulation throughout your scalp, ensuring faster and better results for the procedure.

Where to get help

Look for an experienced and competent doctor to perform the platelet rich plasma therapy for hair loss in Boston MA for you. Check for credentials and qualifications.

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