Questions To Ask Before Purchasing a Condo

by | Sep 28, 2017 | Real Estate

Making the decision to purchase a condominium can be a big one and requires a lot of thought and can sometimes require asking some questions in order to assure that one gets what they are paying for. It is important to not be afraid to ask questions about the condo before you buy it. Buying a condo is similar to buying a house, but can also be a little bit more difficult in some cases due to the management of the complex, the neighboring condos and people, and the rules that may be followed within every different condominium.

Here are three important questions to ask before purchasing a condo:

  1. How Is The Management For The Complex?

When looking for condos to purchase such as some of the Upper East Side condos for sale, it can be important to ask about the management of the condominiums as many people end up moving out of complexes due to the management. Having a terrible manager controlling how one lives in their condo can sometimes make the experience much worse than it could have been if management was easy and understanding. Asking beforehand can help a person decide if the management for the condo they are looking to purchase is good enough.

  1. Have Neighbors Ever Complained?

Knowing about any past complaints from other neighbors in the same condominium complex as the one you might be living in can help you gain an understanding of possible problems you may come across in your time living there. Important complaints such as ones about maintenance, other neighbors, or possible issues with certain condos are definitely something one should know about before purchasing a condominium in the same area. After knowing about the complaints, a person can make their decision as to if this is still where they would prefer to live.

  1. What Are The Rules For Living Here?

In a community where one has to live in a condominium with many neighbors in the surrounding area, it can tend to have a lot of rules. It’s best to ask what the majority of these rules are before purchasing a condo just in case the rules conflict with your lifestyle or opinions. Rules could range from severity such as the rules for gardening in the condominium to rules about keeping pets in the home. This is why asking for a list of these rules in person to look over and discuss with the manager can help avoid any issues that may arise in the future if one was unaware of certain rules there were. For more information, visit 252 East 57th.

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