Glaucoma is an eye disease that causes elevated ocular pressure. If left untreated, it can cause blindness. Thankfully, eye doctors can provide Glaucoma Treatment in Windsor CA to lower patients’ ocular pressure and prevent complications. Read on to find out what to discuss with the doctor before beginning treatment.
What is the Goal of Treatment?
The goal of Glaucoma Treatment in Windsor CO is always to lower ocular pressure to slow the progression of the disease. If left unchecked, glaucoma can damage the optic nerve, causing blindness. Patients who suffer from glaucoma should always take the disease seriously and follow the advice of their ophthalmologists.
What Treatment Options Are Available?
There are several ways to treat glaucoma. They include prescription medications, laser trabeculoplasty, and minimally-invasive surgeries. Patients should begin discussing treatment options in detail as soon as they receive a diagnosis of glaucoma, as there are numerous factors that influence which treatment will provide the best fit.
What Are the Side Effects of Treatment?
Every medical treatment has side effects. Some glaucoma medications cause redness and irritation, for example, or cause eyelid or iris darkening. Ask about side effects for every potential treatment and make sure to discuss how they can be minimized.
What Are the Success Rates of Different Treatments?
Every patient is different, which means a treatment that works well for one patient may not provide the same results for another. Ask not just about the success rates of each potential treatment on the table but also about what factors influence those rates.
Who Is a Good Candidate for a Specific Glaucoma Treatment?
Finally, find out how doctors determine whether patients are good candidates for medication, laser treatment, or surgery. Ophthalmologists often take factors like their patients’ unique medical and family histories into account. They’ll also consider things like whether the patient has narrow-angle or open-angle glaucoma and how far the disease has already progressed.
The Bottom Line
Patients considered glaucoma suspects should visit their ophthalmologists more frequently than those with healthy eyes. They should also be prepared to take action should their conditions worsen. Get more information today about how a local eye doctor can help patients with a high ocular pressure preserve their vision online.