Rat Removal in Tacoma: Tips for Rat Prevention

by | Sep 29, 2014 | Pest Control

No matter how tiny they are, rodents are not a good thing to have in your home. They carry diseases such as rabies and other conditions that can make you and your family very sick and may even prove to be fatal if they are not caught in time. Not only do they spread diseases, they can chew up the wiring of your home making for a fire hazard, and they can also spoil your food, which in the long run costs you money. The best thing to do if you feel that you have a rodent infestation in your home is to call rat removal in Tacoma to take care of the problem for you so that they do not spread and infest your entire home.

Below you will find some tips on how to prevent the rats from invading your home to begin with and keep from having to call in rat removal in Tacoma to begin with.

Inspect the Foundation of Your Home

If you are looking to rodent proof your home, you should first start with the foundation of the house. If there are any holes that are big enough to let even a small sized rodent into, you should block those holes by filling them in or putting some type of wire mesh on them.

Check all of the Entry Points into Your Home

Next, you will want to check all of the entry points into your home. You will want to check doors, windows, and under sinks and appliances for holes that the rodents could get into with ease. You will want to seal up any of these areas as well, so that the rodents do not have easy access.

Make Sure to Avoid Clutter

Any type of rodent is going to look for clutter to hide in. If you have boxes, newspapers or other clutter laying around the house then you should make sure to pick it all up and keep it clean.

These are just a few of the ways that you can prevent rodents from invading your home. You can call any time for rat removal in Tacoma today.

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