Reasons A Minneapolis Personal Injury Lawyer Should Be Involved In Your Case

by | Oct 16, 2019 | Lawyer

Not all injuries are serious, and for injuries that do not require more than minimal medical attention, and when there is no concern about long-term injuries or disabilities, representing yourself in a Minneapolis personal injury claim is often a safe and effective option.

These types of cases are clear and concise, and you have the final medical bills, the exact amount of lost wages, and receipts for other types of expenses for the injury. Of course, this also assumes the insurance company is not denying the claim or arguing the amount of liability they have in the accident.

Any cases that do not fall into this category should be handled by a personal injury lawyer. These attorneys do not charge upfront, and they only get paid if there is a settlement, which is a benefit to any injured person in Minneapolis. In addition, hiring a PI attorney can also assist in at least three other ways in your claim.

Understanding Short and Long Term Injury Costs

With more significant injuries, understanding the long-term costs of ongoing medical care, rehabilitation, lost wages, and even what to factor in for pain and suffering can be a significant challenge. A top personal injury lawyer can determine this information, and also knows how insurance companies have settled similar cases in the past. This typically results in a larger settlement that leaves the injured person in a much better financial position.

The lawyer can also help you to determine if an offer provides the compensation you need both now and in the future. This prevents accepting a low settlement offer that is not fair and leaves you with financial problems in a few short months or years.

Avoid Insurance Company Delay Tactics

The personal injury lawyer understands the process and can address common issues such as insurance company delay tactics, stalling or failing to respond to calls, and failing to respond to settlement negotiation attempts.

This not only speeds up the settlement process, but it helps alleviate the stress and uncertainty that can occur without legal representation.

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