Reasons to Consider Professional and Affordable Hormone Replacement Therapy

by | Sep 9, 2014 | Health

Some patients, while undergoing various treatments, may require synthetic hormones either as a supplement or a substitute for naturally occurring hormones. It is done through Hormone Replacement Therapy, which entails various types of procedures. Estrogen can be used alone or in combination with progesterone to supplement the body after menopause, while testosterone and estrogen are commonly introduced in the bodies of trans-gender people. Some inter-sex people also use this hormone replacement therapy. Normal aging in man and its effects (hypogonadism) can be lessened by androgen therapy, which also restores testicular functions.

Not everyone can qualify for Hormone Replacement Therapy. Candidates for this procedure should exhibit particular signs including erectile dysfunction, weight gain, bloating, decreased sex drive, depression and fatigue, muscle loss, hot flashes, among others. During the consultation, the doctor will do a thorough background check and discuss the symptoms being experienced. Your age will be noted, and risk factors for coronary heart disease or breast cancer will be explored so as to Renew Health & Wellness. Thereafter, examination as indicated by your medical history will be carried out, including height and weight as well as blood pressure.

There are numerous benefits that are associated with hormone replacement therapy. They include but are not limited to:

1. Improvement in quality of life: It reduces pain and depression and improves moods, sleep, muscle aches

2. Reduction in vasomotor symptoms: Vasomotor symptoms such as hot flashes are significantly reduced four weeks after starting hormonal replacement therapy

3. Reduction in osteoporosis risk: It helps in the preservation and improvement of bone mineral density, thereby reducing fractures

4. Improvement of urogenital symptoms: Symptoms such as vaginal atrophy, dryness and sexual function are substantially improved

5. Reduction in cardiovascular diseases: Hormone replacement therapy plays a critical role in minimizing incidences of coronary heart attack and cancer, thus reducing mortality rate.

6. The body is protected against connective tissue loss.

All in all, personal discipline and the choice of your lifestyle are crucial in maintaining a healthy life as you age. Risk factors for coronary heart disease, such as smoking and alcohol use, should be avoided. Observe proper hygiene and diet. Lastly, ensure that you go for regular examination and screening for diseases such as breast cancer.

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