Reasons to Not Delay Emergency Furnace Service in Oregon City

by | May 25, 2022 | Heating and Air Conditioning

The northwest coast of the United States is recognized for its mild climate. Frequently, though, that means the weather is wet and chilly. Even residents who love living here sometimes gripe about cool temperatures lingering throughout the summer. They rely on qualified contractors providing furnace service in Oregon City to keep the systems running smoothly and perform repair work when needed.

Considering Regional Weather

Sometimes emergency furnace service in Oregon City is required. On weekends, households may be unwilling to wait until the next business day, even if the exterior temperature is in the low 60s. Nighttime temperatures often are 10 or 20 degrees lower than the daytime high. In addition, with so many cloudy days in this region, it’s probable there’ll be little to no sunshine providing warmth through the windows.

Avoiding Extensive Space Heater Usage

If the furnace quits working on a Friday night or Saturday morning, the household residents might think about staying warm with an electric space heater or two. However, if the exterior temperatures drop into the 50s or lower, those heaters will run almost continuously. This is taxing on the home’s electrical wiring. Residential wiring is not designed to run high-watt equipment for many hours. Space heaters are intended for limited use, not as the main heat source.

Planning Ahead

In this climate, it’s common to run a home’s furnace much of the year. Planning ahead for a possible furnace malfunction by choosing a service contractor is advisable. Contact Roth Heating & Cooling, Plumbing, Electrical, Drain Services for emergency furnace service in Oregon City.

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