Regular Septic Tank Maintenance Services Keep Septic Tanks in Top Working Order

by | May 17, 2017 | Septic Tanks

In order to keep your septic tank working as it should, you need to schedule maintenance services at least once a year. Maintenance services enable you to stay on top of your septic system’s operation and the wastewater elimination in your home. How often a tank needs servicing will depend on its size and the number of individuals who live in your home. Pumping frequency can be impacted by the use of a garbage disposal or appliances that use high amounts of water.

Who to Contact for Inspection and Maintenance

When you contract with a service provider, such as the companies represented on such sites as website domain, you will sign a maintenance contract. This agreement will allow the contractor to go ahead and perform the needed maintenance services and inspection.

Reviewing the Mechanics and Treatment Plant

Normally, septic tank maintenance services include reviewing the chlorine, residue, and pH levels of the septic system. Professional technicians also undertake a mechanical inspection that includes reviewing such parts as the aerator, irrigation pump lines, and fittings. The treatment plant is inspected too, which includes an examination of the effluent quality color as well as a determination of the turbidity, sludge, odor, and buildup of scum.

Cleaning the Septic Tank

In addition, septic tank maintenance services include a review of the irrigation pump lines, spray heads, pressure lines, and other filters, pumps, and tanks. Once a determination has been made as to a system’s overall condition, maintenance services and a cleaning can be commenced.

Why Regular Maintenance Is Important

Regular maintenance is important for preserving the integrity of your tank. When this type of system fails, any domestic waste that is not treated can leak into the ground water. Any viruses or bacterial coming from the waste can lead to such conditions as hepatitis or dysentery. So, not only are inspections and maintenance important for reducing the cost of repair but they need to be scheduled to ensure the health of your family and the people who live around you.

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