Remove Dirt and Debris Using Cleaners and Tools From Tiling Companies

by | Aug 11, 2020 | Tools

After walking on tile floors or preparing meals on tile countertops, you could see dirt begin to build along with stains in some areas. A broom or mop can be used to clean tile, but for a thorough clean, there are a few other products that can be used. These products and techniques can often bring back the shine of the tiles that you desire as well.

Loose Debris

Removing any loose debris before detailed cleaning is the first step in the cleaning process. This can make any tile cleaner that is used a bit more effectively as it won’t have to compete with dirt and debris that is left on the surface.

Sticky Details

Before using a tile cleaner, you want to remove any sticky debris from the tiles. This can occur due to liquids spilled on the surface or from years of wear and tear on the tiles. Tools that can be used to remove this sticky residue include a paint scraper or a sturdy thin card.

Hot Water and Cleaners

Use hot water with cleaning products as this can loosen dirt that is left behind. If you don’t want to use a lot of chemicals on the tiles, then add about half a cup of vinegar to the water for a natural cleanser. Dish detergent can be used with hot water as well. However, you only need a small amount as it can create quite a few suds that can be difficult to remove from the floor.

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