Residential Homes Can Catch Fire, But Smoke Alarms Can Provide Peace of Mind

by | Mar 7, 2018 | Fire and Security

Residential areas are prone to catching fire, though many homeowners never consider it. They don’t focus on worrying about fires because they aren’t common or have never experienced one. Many times, most fires start in houses without smoke alarms, which is why it’s crucial to have this life-saving device in your house. Without it, you risk damages or total property loss, as well as injury and death.

What Smoke Alarms Do

Smoke alarms are designed to detect flames and smokiness from the flames. They make a loud noise or signal to tell you that there is a fire, even while you’re sleeping. Many residential homes come equipped with these devices already. However, you should periodically make sure that they work via test runs so that everyone knows what to do if the alert goes off. In the case of a fire, every second counts.

Even if you think you’ll smell the fire before it gets to you, it’s best to have an alarm in place. Flames and flame residue left behind can be toxic, which means you could be breathing it in unconsciously before you wake up. Soon enough, your house could be on fire.

How They Work

Smoke alarms work by checking the air inside your home for particles and gasses that fires regularly produce. You’ll find two options: an ionization alarm and a photoelectric alarm. The ionization alarms detect flaming fires that come about quickly while photoelectric alarms can detect smoldering, slower fires. You can also find two-in-one options that recognize both.

How to Install

Depending on the type of alarm you buy, it can be easy to install. Wireless ones simply require appropriate batteries, usually 9-Volts, and can be hung by yourself. Hardwired versions must be installed by an electrician.

If you are looking for the best quality residential smoke alarms for home safetyvisit First Alert, Inc. online.

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