Restore Your Beautiful Smile With Professional Dental Cleaning in Lakewood

by | Dec 7, 2018 | Dentist

If you have a dentist in Santa Maria, CA, you can count on one thing. No matter what type of dentist or what you are there for, he or she will recommend that you get your teeth cleaned at least once a year. Beyond the cleaning that is part of a normal oral regiment – brush and floss, you need to visit a professional to ensure your teeth remain healthy. Toward this end, your dentist may recommend professional teeth cleaning in Santa Maria, CA. If there are serious issues, the dentist may also recommend something known as dental deep cleaning.

Teeth Cleaning

Teeth cleaning is a regular part of oral hygiene. It simply refers to brushing and flossing to remove any bacteria and grime on the teeth and gums before it becomes plaque. A thorough brushing with a recommended and reputable tooth paste or gel removes the small pieces of food that, if left there, become the breeding ground for bacteria. Your dentist will recommend this be done on a regular basis.

In general, this form of oral hygiene is to be performed a minimum of twice daily. It is to be done after meals and before bedtime. Flossing should be done following brushing. In some instances, a dentist will recommend the use of a mouth rinse or recommend special tooth paste e.g. for soft enamel or sensitive teeth. Even special toothbrushes are suggested. These can range from soft bristles to electric toothbrushes.

Yet, teeth cleaning can refer to the visit many patients make to their dentist or dental hygienist annually or twice a year. This is a variation on the above theme. It is often called a cleaning but is also referred to as a professional cleaning. This form of teeth cleaning can only occur within the four walls and on the special chairs of a dental office.

Professional Teeth Cleaning

A professional teeth cleaning is recommended every 6 months. It requires a trip to your dentist or dental hygienist and takes up approximately 30 minutes of your time. It can last, however, an hour while the dentist uses an ultrasonic cleaner to loosen any plaque that has formed on your teeth. An attached hose facilitates the removal and cleaning of the teeth.

To help in the process, your dentist will use a scraper (scaler) and curettes. Polishers are also employed. The final tool the dentist will employ is dental floss although he or she may instead apply a fluoride treatment. This may seem intense, but it is not a deep cleaning.

Your Dentist and Dental Deep Cleaning

A dental deep cleaning is only available at a dental clinic. It involves a scale as well as root planning. Those who have neglected to have a regular dental cleaning or are victims of gum disease will receive this type of treatment. A dentist or hygienist can perform these operations efficiently.

When it comes to teeth cleaning, there are three basic types. You can clean your teeth at home as part of an oral hygiene. You can receive a thorough cleaning twice a year at a dentist. You can also be required to take more serious measures and get a dental deep cleaning. By visiting your dentist in Santa Maria, CA regularly, you should be able to avoid the third, more serious option.

If you are searching for a Dentist Vacaville, take the time to contact the professionals at Dino Bonyadi,DDS. They can help you on the way to achieving and maintaining a healthy, confident smile.

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