Restore your smile and confidence with dentures

by | Jan 14, 2014 | Dentist

There may come a time when your natural teeth are beyond repair and your dentist will recommend that you consider dentures in Vestal NY. You may have lost several teeth over the years that you never bothered with or perhaps your teeth are so badly decayed that further therapy is not an option and they are have to be removed.

The dentist has two options when it comes to dentures in Vestal NY; full and partial, the choice is all based on how many, if any teeth the dentist can restore and save.

A full denture, sometimes called a complete denture is used when there are no teeth remaining on either the upper or lower, depending on where the problems are. The design of a full denture is such that every tooth in the upper dental arch is replaced and the dentist has choices for their manufacture. Full dentures include over-dentures, immediate and conventional.

Partial dentures on the other hand are recommended when there are still usable teeth in either mouth arch. The partial denture is held securely in position with clasps, often ceramic or metal, that grip on to teeth which are solidly in place.

Once you have been fitted with your new dentures in Vestal NY, there will be a few noticeable changes in your lifestyle for a few months until you be accustomed to wearing them. The dentist will recommend that until you are secure and they have been adjusted to fit properly, that you stick with softer foods that is easy to chew.

You may also notice some changes in your speech pattern, don’t worry as you will return to your original speech after a period of time. When you have all your teeth extracted for dentures, the gums tend to shrink as there are no longer any tooth roots. As the gums shrink, the denture becomes ill fitting and often slips when you are talking or eating. Perhaps for the first six months or so you will have to return to the dentist while he relines the denture to accommodate the new form of the dental arch due to gum changes.

During this “break-in” period you may also feel pressure points that cause a bit of pain, once again, the dentist can continue to make minor adjustments until your new dentures are a perfect fit.

If you are contemplating getting dentures in Vestal NY then you are invited to make an appointment with the New York Dental Group.

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