Reviewing Vital Details with a Disability Attorney in Tulsa, OK

by | Jan 11, 2019 | Top Content Center Articles

In Oklahoma, Social Security Disability benefits provide monetary assistance that helps disabled individuals support themselves. Individuals who are approved for the program are unable to work in any industry and have an eligible condition. A disability attorney in Tulsa, OK helps claimants seek a legal claim if they are denied benefits.

Managing the Initial Application

The claimant must complete the application as directed and provide detailed information about their condition. Contact information about the doctor who provided treatment is needed as welll. The Social Security Administration must contact the doctor and acquire further details when needed.

Inconclusive Information About the Disability

If the application doesn’t provide enough information, the SSA needs all the files that outline the condition and how it is treated. The full effects of the condition must be provided to show the agency why the individual needs Social Security Disability benefits. The effects must prevent the claimant from working in any industry.

Witnesses and People Who Know About the Condition

Family members, doctors, and anyone who knows about the claimant’s condition can provide testimony. Typically, the SSA calls the individuals listed by the claimant and discusses the condition. The credible information provided by witnesses could support the claim and help the individual obtain benefits. They must have first-hand knowledge of the condition and how it affects the claimant directly. For example, the witness could be a parent or a spouse.

Starting a Legal Claim for Benefits

Any claimant that is turned down for benefits has the right to file for an appeal or file a legal claim. With the legal claim, the claimant must submit all evidence of their condition. Doctors may testify during the hearing. A judge and jury make the final decisions about the claim.

In Oklahoma, Social Security Disability offers two separate programs that help disabled individuals support themselves financially. The benefits are paid on the first or third of the month and provide Medicaid health insurance. To obtain the benefits, the claimants must prove that they have an eligible condition. Claimants who need assistance from a disability attorney in Tulsa, OK are encouraged to visit for more information now.

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