Saskatoon Air Conditioning Service Basics

by | Jul 22, 2021 | Heating and Air Conditioning

Many homeowners often overlook that their air conditioning units require regular maintenance to keep them running efficiently. Most of us neglect routine maintenance and only call for Saskatoon air conditioning service once it’s too late, usually when there is a major problem or the unit has suddenly stopped working.

How Often Should You Service your Unit?

A typical AC unit, when properly maintained, should last anywhere from 10 to 15 years. That life expectancy drops dramatically if the unit is neglected. At a minimum, you want to service the unit once a year. The same thing goes for your furnace.

In addition to the yearly service, you also want to do a few things throughout the year to keep it running properly. The most important thing to do is change your filters as directed. Some filters require changing once a month, while others have a longer lifespan. Dirty filters clog the system and can prevent it from working.

Best Time to Schedule Air Conditioning Maintenance

The best time to schedule your Saskatoon air conditioning service is in the spring. One of the biggest reasons to have the service scheduled for spring is that it’s considered the off season, so companies often run specials or offer discounts. Not only that, but being the off season, the HVAC technicians aren’t super busy, so they have time to get you in without it being an emergency call. Winter is also not an ideal time as the AC unit won’t work in the colder temperatures, so servicing it can be challenging. For more information please visit Ball & Sons Heating Co Ltd.

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