Secure the Future of Your Estate with a Probate Attorney

by | Oct 12, 2018 | Lawyers and Law Firms

When a loved one passes away, it is a trying time for their family and friends. Their death can be difficult for their loved ones, especially if they passed away unexpectedly. However, what follows the loss of a family member can make the time extremely difficult for everyone as they try to settle their estate. From settling debts to transferring property, the estate needs to be handled properly or most of the estate can be dwindled away by the court in fees. You can prevent this from occurring by turning to a probate attorney in Sacramento that can aid in documenting your final wishes.

Ensure Your Property is Inherited by the Right Beneficiary

In most state by default, the spouse or immediate family are named the beneficiaries of an estate. If there is no legal documentation on how to disperse the property. The court system will allocate the estate by the state’s law to the spouse or the individual’s next of kin. While this can be beneficial for those family members, anyone that is not related to the person would not receive their inheritance that the deceased individual wanted them to have. A probate attorney in Sacramento offers legal advice on how you can ensure the right individual inherits your property. Plus, they can provide vital information on the steps you can take to reduce or eliminate the taxes that the beneficiary will have to pay on their inheritance.

Save Valuable Time and Money

For over 37 years, the Law Offices of Mitchell S. Ostwald has dedicated their time to providing the legal services their clients deserve. They can help save your loved one money and time during a difficult period after you have passed away. You can start today by consulting with them on how their firm can help plan your estate for the future.

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