See Your Dentist in Murrieta If You Experience These Symptoms

by | Mar 4, 2013 | Dentistry

Most people are aware they need to see a dentist twice a year for regular checkups and cleanings. However, there may be other times when you require the help of a dentist in Murrieta. Even if you get the right dental care, you could end up experiencing problems in between your regular visits. Knowing which symptoms require you to seek the help of a dentist right away will show you when it is the right time to get in to see your dentist.

Bleeding Gums

When you brush your teeth or eat, your gums aren’t supposed to bleed. However, sometimes injuries can occur or you can be in the early stages of developing gingivitis. In either case, if you begin to notice bleeding in your gums, especially if it is happening often, you should see your dentist to determine the exact cause. If you are able to catch problems like gingivitis in their early stages, the likelihood of resolving the problem is much higher.

Bad Breath

In many cases, bad breath has an underlying cause. While some people have bad breath because of food they ate, many others have this condition due to other problems within the mouth. Decaying teeth is one of the biggest causes of bad breath. Nothing you can do will make it go away if this is the cause. It is important to see your dentist in Murrieta right away to determine the exact cause. If the cause isn’t your oral health, the dentist will have you see your doctor to rule out other conditions.

Failing Gums

Your gums are meant to hold your teeth securely in place. If you notice any signs your gums may be failing, such as pulling away from the base of your teeth or teeth that are loose or even missing, you need to see a dentist. The later stages of periodontitis can cause your gums to fail. If you don’t take care of the problem immediately, you could face losing all your teeth completely.

While some problems can wait until you go to your next visit to the dentist in Murrieta, there are certain symptoms that shouldn’t be ignored. If your gums are beginning to bleed when you care for your teeth, you are experiencing bad breath or your gums are failing, you need to make an appointment to see your dentist right away. The faster you visit the dentist, the faster you will be able to get the proper care to remedy the problem.

To learn more about the symptoms that require you to see a dentist in Murrieta right away.

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