Seek Blood in Stool Treatment in Dallas TX as Soon as Possible

by | Aug 21, 2018 | Top Content Center Articles

Finding blood in your stool can be frightening. Regardless of whether you spotted it while wiping after a bowel movement or from a test ordered by your doctor, it is not something to take lightly. Blood in stool is an indication of a problem. It may or may not be serious, but you should seek professional advice and blood in stool treatment in Dallas TX.

Causes of Blood in Stool

Blood in the stool is a definite indication that bleeding is taking place somewhere in the digestive tract. Possible causes of bleeding include:

  • Anal fissure: A tiny cut in the tissue lining the anus, it can be caused by passing a large or hard stool

  • Colitis: Inflammation of the colon

  • Peptic ulcer: An open sore in the stomach lining or at the upper end of the small intestine

  • Polyps: Small growths in the colon that may morph into cancer

Blood in the stool is cause for concern and should be evaluated by a gastroenterologist. When you see the doctor, be prepared to provide as much information as you can about the bleeding. A black stool may indicate an ulcer. A bright red stool may indicate a problem in the lower digestive tract, perhaps hemorrhoids.

Blood in Stool Treatment

A gastroenterologist can employ several treatment methods to stop the acute bleeding. An endoscope is often used to locate the source of the problem as well as treat it. Treatment includes the injection of chemicals into the site, the use of a laser or the application of a clip or band near the bleeding vessel.

Beyond immediate treatment is the need to address the cause. Long-term treatment may include medications that suppress stomach acidity or anti-inflammatory to treat colitis. It may be necessary to surgically intervene to remove polyps or damaged sections of the colon. Visit Viral Kumar Patel MD website for more info.

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