Sewage System Damaged? Get Sewage Cleanup in San Marcos, CA Services

by | Oct 1, 2014 | Construction and Maintenance

One of the meanest activities you will ever have to attend to in your household is a sewage cleanup in San Marcos CA. Sewage is a collection of all your unwanted liquid waste which are in drains and the toilet. You will need to cleanup your sewage in case your plumbing has been damaged or when there is a basement flooding among many other reasons. You should keep in mind that even small pools of sewage are lethal. You should ensure you and your loved ones are as far away as possible until the sewage cleanup in San Marcos CA, has been completed.

Why keep away from even the smallest amount of sewage?

  • Infectious diseases: Sewage is composed of organic material which are heated. Therefore, they create a conducive environment for microorganisms which can easily be passed to the water which you consume at your home. Consuming water with these microorganisms will result to you contracting water borne diseases like cholera. Also coming into physical contact with the waste or inhaling air which is contaminated results to infectious diseases like hepatitis among many others.
  • Contaminated air: Organic matter in the heated sewage will result in harmful gases such as methane being produced. The contaminated water will also encourage the growth of mildew and mold which causes respiratory complications. In the event there is a leak from a water treating plant, you should avoid consuming the water. The water will most likely contain some chemicals such as chlorine and bleach which when taken if not processed can cause damage to the lining of the lungs, nose and the eyes.
  • Bacterial development: The sewage in your home has parasites and bacteria which, when they come into contact with your skin, can easily transfer to food or water if you do not wash your hands thoroughly. If this happens, then you will suffer from a fever, kidney or liver problems.

It is now clear that your health and that of your loved ones is at stake if you do not get a sewage cleanup as soon as possible. You will not only suffer from the foul smell, but also risk hosting pests and insects. Contact a firm with qualified and experienced individuals who can repair water damage. You can visit Quick-Dry Flood Services today for impeccable sewage cleanup services today.


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