Shop for Wines from Organic Grape Vines

by | Sep 15, 2014 | Wine Store

Modern farming practices, including the availability of specialized pesticides and fertilizers can do a lot of good. It’s helped to drive the world’s ability to produce food up to a level where it’s possible to feed a much larger world population than could have once been dreamed of. It also has some negative effects, though. If part of your interest in drinking wine comes from the news of its health benefits, you should focus on drinking vintages made from Organic Grape Vines rather than those that had the support and protection of chemicals.

Plants are master chemists. They produce a wide variety of compounds and chemicals to allow them to create food, to carry out the other functions that are part of everyday life, and to deter pests and infections. They’re also quite frugal. If they don’t see a need to expend the energy on creating defensive and other compounds, they’ll greatly cut back on how much they produce. This is important information for humans, because there are now many people who have made drinking wine into a regular habit, partly due to revelations about those very compounds. It turns out, though, that our conventional way of growing the plants may limit their health benefits.

When a few scientists started experimenting with Organic Grape Vines and forcing the plants to do more of the work of survival on their own, many in the industry thought that they were crazy. The assumption was that the only thing this would accomplish would be to reduce, or potentially completely eliminate, their yield at the end of the season. In the end, though, tests clearly indicated that the vines that had to fight off more minor threats on their own produced a substantially larger quantity of the exact defensive chemicals that doctors believe to be good for human health.

If you’re looking for wines made with organic grapes, you can visit Towne Cellars Wines & Liquors Inc. They maintain a wide selection of vintages and types of alcohol so that they can meet virtually every need. You’ll just have to let their trained staff know what you’re looking for, and they’ll help you to find something that will be both healthy and enjoyable to drink.

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