Signs You Need A Dehumidifier

by | May 7, 2019 | Business

Excess humidity in your home can damage your furniture. It can also make you uncomfortable. That is why you may need to get a small dehumidifer. There are many signs that indicate you need to get a small dehumidifier.


Excess moisture in your home can cause mold to grow. Mold is most likely to grow in places that are naturally damp such as your bathroom or basement. You should look for dark spots on the wall. This is a sign that you have mold in your home. You may also notice a musty smell if you have mold growing in your home.

Mold can cause health issues. You will be more likely to have respiratory issues if you have mold in your home.

Rotting Wood

High humidity levels can cause your wood to rot. You will need to remove the affected part of the wood before the rest of it rots.


If your allergies have gotten worse, then high humidity levels may be to blame. Excess moisture encourages the growth of allergens. It can also cause dust mites to grow. A dehumidifier can remove the allergens from the air, which can alleviate allergy symptoms.

Water Stains

If you notice water stains, then you will need to find out where they come from. You may have a leaking pipe in your home. It may also be a sign of a ventilation issue. If you have a leaking pipe, then you will need to call a plumber as soon as possible.

Condensation on Your Windows

If the humidity levels in the home are too high, then you may notice condensation building up on the windows. Condensation looks a lot like fog. You may also notice streaks of water on your window pane.

If you need a small dehumidifier, then you will need to contact Mentor.

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