Simple Steps to Maintain Your Central Air Conditioning in Daytona Beach FL

by | Dec 15, 2014 | Top Content Center Articles

A central air conditioner is a system designed to help control the air in a home or building. This major appliance alters the properties of air such as humidity and temperature. To prolong the useful life of your AC unit, it’s essential to perform regular maintenance. Most air conditioner contractors recommend doing this twice a year. Implement the following steps to complete this task.

Before you begin your yearly upkeep on your Air Conditioning in Daytona Beach FL, find the two main parts of your air conditioner. The evaporator is typically situated above the furnace in the plenum. The condenser is located outside the home. Many homeowners put these units outside their homes. Look for yours on a stable surface such as a slab concrete. Also, it’s advisable to disconnect all electricity to the AC system. Do this at the main entrance panel or a separate entrance panel.

To maintain your Air Conditioning in Daytona Beach FL,  access the evaporator. Remove the access plate of the plenum. This part may be wrapped in insulation. Carefully remove this wrapping so you don’t ruin any adhesive. You will need to replace it later. After removing any insulation, unscrew the fasteners that keep the access plate closed. Carefully move the evaporator out as far as you can without damaging rigid pipes that may be attached to it. Using a stiff brush, clean all sides. You may have to use a large mirror to view the backside as you clean it. Remember to wash the tray underneath the evaporator. This tray is used to collect condensation until it drains from the evaporator. Use a sponge and wipe it out with bleach.

After cleaning the evaporator, remove all debris, grass, weeds, and unwanted substances from the area the condenser is in. Use an industrial coil cleaner to wash debris from the condenser coil. You can use a fin comb to remove debris from in between the fins. A spirit level will help you balance the condenser.

Your air conditioning is your home-based climate control system. Keeping it functional will help your home stay clean and sanitary. It will also assist in ridding your air of microbes and particulates.

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