Some Dangers To Your Beautiful Lawn

by | Feb 23, 2015 | Home And Garden

Keeping your yard well maintained is something most homeowners take seriously. You want your yard to attract attention and make the neighbors jealous. Having a lush green lawn that you can walk across barefoot is wonderful. Unfortunately, there are a few things out there that will try to ruin your perfect lawn – so make sure you are aware of them.

The Innocent Looking Weeds

A single dandelion with its fluffy head of seed pods can seem harmless, but once a breeze sends those seeds aloft there is no telling where they will land! It could be in your yard, or your neighbors, but the fact is each one of those seeds is another dandelion waiting to grow. And grow they do! One single dandelion can multiply into 100 in a couple short months! Luckily there are numerous weed killers on the market which will take care of the dandelions without harming your grass.

Those Angry Little Fire Ants

The little red devils you know as Fire Ants have been around since the 1930’s after accidentally being imported from South America. Since then they have made themselves right at home in the southern United States and you might see their large mounds in your yard. Getting rid of them can be tricky, but there are a few methods to try. Boiling water is the easiest, and it kills more than half of the colony; the only downside is it will also kill nearby grass or plants. Diatomaceous Earth is an organic compound that can kill some of the colony but not all; it is, however, an entirely safe product to use around children and pets. If the ants are a severe problem, there are many types of bait on the market to use. The ants take the bait back to the colony food storage and poison themselves. It can be somewhat slow, but is very effective.

Let The Professionals Handle The Rest

You’ve removed the weeds and let the fire ants know you mean business, but now the grass is getting so tall it needs regular mowing to look its best. With your career or family obligations, it’s hard to find time to get out there every week and mow the grass. Lucky for you, there are professional lawn maintenance companies in Houston ready to take on that task. They are experienced and knowledgeable about the proper methods of mowing to keep your grass thick and lush.

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