Stem Cell Therapy in Clemson, SC Promotes Natural Healing

by | May 2, 2022 | Chiropractic

Alternative medicine such as stem cell therapy in Clemson, SC has grown in popularity. Alternative medicine is often used in conjunction with conventional medicine methods. If you suffer from an autoimmune disorder, arthritis, or suffered a traumatic injury, stem cell therapy is one of the best treatment options. Physicians inject stem cells into the affected area to encourage cell growth and rejuvenation. Stem cell injections require significantly less recovery time than surgery and are extremely effective.

Promote Natural Healing

Do you suffer from severe back pain? Do your joints ache every time you stand, sit, or lay down? Stem cell therapy in Clemson SC is a great option for those suffering from joint pain. A physician will remove stem cells from your body and inject them into the affected areas. Stem cells have healing properties that other cells do not. They work to repair the damaged cells and reduce inflammation. It promotes healing and can lessen the symptoms for significant periods.

The Costs

Stem cell therapy is a relatively new medicine in comparison to other forms of treatment such as surgery and pharmaceutical intervention that has been around for hundreds of years. Many health insurance companies will not cover stem cell therapy. If you are considering stem cell therapy, you should be prepared to pay for treatment out of your pocket. The cost of stem cell therapy in Clemson, SC greatly varies among practices. You can call your local practice to find out what the costs are associated with your needs. The costs may vary once you are assessed because you may require more or less therapy than originally estimated.

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