Steps That Should Be Taken by Turfgrass Installers in Ashburn, VA When Preparing the Soil

by | Oct 8, 2018 | Landscaping

Sod installation may appear to be a simple task. However, once homeowners discover what is involved in the process, they often turn to Turfgrass Installers in Ashburn VA for assistance. The key to successful sod installation depends in large part on the soil preparation. Ask each installer interviewed what steps they take at this time. Following are measures that should never be overlooked during the soil preparation process.

Remove Any Debris and Prepare the Ground

The first step in preparing the ground is to remove rocks, stones, and any debris that are two inches in size or larger. Once these items are no longer present, rough grade the area. This helps to remove any drainage problems and ensure the grade slopes away from the foundation. Furthermore, it helps to fill any low-lying areas in the landscape.

Prepare the Soil

Any existing soil must be tilled to a depth of two inches or more. This step should always be done before soil amendments, including topsoil, may be added. The topsoil at this time must be between four and six inches. Next, test the soil to determine the current pH level and make adjustments as needed. All pH discrepancies have to be addressed at this time.

Apply Fertilizer

Starter fertilizer should be added to the area, and this fertilizer needs to be high in phosphate. Make certain the manufacturer’s instructions are followed regarding the rate at which to apply this product. Mix the product into the top two or three inches of the topsoil, while working to avoid any injury to the root.

Finish the Soil Preparation

When the above steps have been completed, the topsoil should be rolled or lightly tamped down. This helps to settle the surface. Furthermore, it ensures the soil offers the optimal surface for sod installation.

Find more information on sod installation before choosing among the many Turfgrass Installers in Ashburn VA. The goal is to find a provider that doesn’t rush the process and one who takes the unique soil and landscape into consideration. Don’t rush the process and you will find your lawn is everything you imagined when you first started this project.

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