Steps You Can Take to Assist Your DUI Defense Attorney in Houston

by | Mar 22, 2022 | Personal Injury Attorney

After being arrested, you know that it is not wise to speak to the police without a DUI defense attorney in Houston by your side. These professionals will advise you on what to say with the goal of helping you make the best of the situation. Here are a few other things you can do to assist your attorney.

As soon as possible, write down all the events surrounding your arrest. Think about what the police said to you, how you first encountered them, what reason they gave for pulling you over, and if they asked you to get out of the car. Write down all the details you could remember regarding if they told you or asked you to take field sobriety tests and which ones they requested. Your DUI defense attorney in Houston may be able to use this information to build a case in your favor.

You should also think about who you were with or where you were before the arrest. Witnesses may be able to prove that you were not drinking. There may be security footage in the area that can benefit your situation. You may have receipts from restaurants you visited before the arrest to prove you were not drinking or not drinking as much as the police officers say you were.

Listen to all the advice given to you by your attorney. They are ethically bound to have a duty of loyalty to your case.

Find out how the Law Office of Jesse Hernandez does everything they can to defend the rights of their clients by visiting their website today.

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