Stop Living Life for If and When

by | Apr 3, 2014 | Religion

We live in a society that tends to tell itself life will get better if and when changes take place. Not only do many of us tell ourselves this on a daily basis, but to make matters worse we never go about making changes. Having a Christian Prophecy Online can help stop you from living a life waiting for if and when and begin embracing life and living as God intended.

Every time you tell yourself you will do something when something else happens you are only stopping yourself from improving or enjoying life. Perhaps someone will ask you to join them for dinner and you answer, “I will when I finish up at work.” Perhaps your little one asks for help with their homework and you answer “I will when I get off the phone.” Or worse someone is in need of food or shelter and you say “I will help them when I have a little more money myself.” God does not want you to wait for when something happens. He wants you to do things now. There will always be a time when you are better off, or have more time, or can help but now is the time to be doing it. Remember that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Good intentions live in when but you live in now.

If can be even worse than when because if can become a crutch. If I only had more time I could go to Church. If I only had more faith I could pray to God for help. If I only were treated more kindly I could be kinder myself. God is waiting for you everyday. He loves you and wants you to find and accept his love. However living your life always using if to blame the world for your troubles will keep you blind to the help from God that is always right in front of you. To say I would ask for God’s help if only I knew he would listen misses the point of God. God and his love takes faith and it is only with faith that you will truly feel his love.

If and when you are ready to listen to God’s word you can have a Christian online prophecy to help strengthen your faith so you can live for today.

Now is the time to get your Christian online prophecy. Visit Domain and get your free prophecy today.

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