Taking A New Kitten To A Veterinarian in Odenton

by | Jan 12, 2017 | Pets

When someone acquires a new kitten to keep as a pet, they will most likely want to take the needed steps in caring for it properly. Kitten maintenance is relatively easy when the right tools are on hand. Here is some general information one can use in keeping their kitten happy and healthy in its new home.

Schedule An Appointment With A Veterinarian

It is extremely important to bring a new kitten to a veterinarian in Odenton as soon as it is acquired. A veterinarian will give the feline a complete checkup, evaluating its health to determine if there is a need for medical intervention. They will also be able to give the pet’s owner recommendations regarding a feeding schedule and dietary needs specific to the weight and health condition of the kitten. They will offer information regarding spaying or neutering as well as an immunization schedule as well.

Purchase The Right Products To Keep The Kitten Comfortable

A kitten will require a litter pan with fresh cat litter inside to use for elimination purposes. It is important to scoop waste from the pan and use fresh litter every few days. A kitten will also require a food dish and water bowl. Water should be available at all times. Food can be given to the kitten a few times a day according to the veterinarian’s recommendations.

Spend Time With The Kitten And Provide Exercise Outlets

A kitten will require that you spend time with it to get it comfortable in its new surroundings. Pick up and pet the new cat often so it gets used to being touched. A kitten will also enjoy playing with toy mice or balls. Providing it with several forms of entertainment will make it less likely to damage items inside of the home.

Selecting a veterinarian in Odenton to care for a new pet is very important. Before scheduling an appointment with a practice, visit the website of a reputable veterinary office in the area to look over their credentials and to see what services they offer to their employees. A call can then be made to find out about pricing if desired.

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