Taking Care of Your Kitty’s Teeth: What You Need to Know as a Cat Owner

by | Nov 21, 2022 | Pet Care

As natural hunters, cats can do a lot of damage with their teeth. Unfortunately, they can take a lot of damage, too. Here are just a few tips for taking care of your kitty’s teeth and ensuring good oral hygiene.

Know the Warning Signs

There are a few giveaways that your cat’s dental health is on the decline. The biggest is bad breath: If you notice a fishy smell coming from their mouth, that could be a sign of everything from gum disease to tooth decay. Another sign is dark spots on your cat’s teeth, tongue, or gums. If you can see the damage, it’s time to take action.

Invest in Toys and Treats

There are a number of cat chews for cleaning teeth. You can also purchase toys and other treats that serve a similar purpose. Not only can they freshen breath, remove food debris, and eliminate tartar, but they can also reduce the possibility of vet visits in the future.

Brush Their Teeth

It might sound strange, but it’s actually a practice recommended by vets! You can brush your cat’s teeth with a toothbrush just like a human. However, you don’t want to use human toothpaste. There are special kinds of toothpaste made just for felines, and they have gentle, non-toxic ingredients as well as a lack of off-putting scents for sensitive cat noses.

These are just a few suggestions for keeping your cat’s teeth in good shape. Whether you opt for brushing, buying special toys, or investing in cat chews for cleaning teeth, it’s important to make an effort at dental hygiene for felines.

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