The Advantages of Hiring a Skilled Immigration Lawyer to Represent You

by | Sep 18, 2019 | Legal Services

The immigration laws in this country seem to change with every passing year. It can be difficult to keep up with all of the changes. The laws that pertained to your case when you entered the country could be entirely different or nonexistent now.

Rather than jeopardize your legal status in the U.S., you can avoid being deported by hiring a good immigration lawyer to represent you. With an experienced family immigration attorney in Torrance, CA, clients like you can renew your visa, file for citizenship, and handle other critical tasks that are required by the immigration authorities.

Renewing Your Visa

When you entered the country, you were given a visa that indicated for what purpose you could be in the country and how long that you could stay. These requirements dictated what you could and could not do while you were in the country and whether or not you had the legal authority to work.

As the expiration date for your visa approaches, you have to decide if want to renew it or not. If you want to remain in the country, you need to file the paperwork that is required to renew it.

When you retain a family immigration attorney in Torrance, CA, immigrants like you can get the paperwork filed well before the date that your visa expires. You could be issued a new one before your existing one reaches its expiration date.

Applying for Citizenship

Your lawyer can also help you with the process of applying for citizenship. The process can take upwards of five years. You have to meet all of the requirements, including passing a background check and a citizenship test.

An immigration lawyer can be a valuable resource when you want to remain in the U.S. You can renew your visa and apply to become a citizen with his or her help.

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