The Advantages of Medical Marijuana for Seniors

by | Apr 8, 2019 | Healthcare, Pharmacy

According to a March 27, 2019 article from The Chicago Tribune more elderly Americans than ever are turning to medical marijuana rather than conventional medicines. Why is this? This is because medical marijuana in Cook County and elsewhere offer several advantages over traditional medications.

Comes in Forms to Prevent a High

Unlike medications such as opioid painkillers, medical marijuana does not always produce a “high” or “stoned” feeling. Many different products such as honey, candy, butter, baked goods, creams, oils, tinctures or ointments produces the pain-killing benefits without leaving a buzz.

Increases Appetite

Many drugs can upset the stomach or even cause vomiting. Cancer patients using chemotherapy drugs are especially prone to rapidly losing weight because they cannot keep food down. Medical marijuana helps ease nausea and can even help some cancer patients gain or maintain their weight.

Reduces Chances for Stomach Bleeding

Many painkillers, including over the encounter NSAIDs like naproxen, can cause stomach bleeding when used over a long time. Since most seniors’ pains are from chronic problems, it is almost inevitable that seniors eventually get some kind of stomach bleeding from their painkillers. Medical marijuana provides pain relief and is much gentler on the stomach than even aspirin.

Helps for Some Mental Illnesses

Any senior American knows that getting the right care for any behavioral or mental health issue is a huge challenge. Medical marijuana is often less expensive than conventional medications. It helps patients eat and sleep regularly. Sometimes that is all that is needed for a person to help become less depressed or stressed.

In Conclusion

Cannabis offers many advantages over conventional drugs for many elderly people. Remember that many medical cannabis products do not need to be smoked and do not produce a debilitating high. Please check out to learn more about medical marijuana in Cook County and elsewhere.

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