The Advantages Of Purchasing A Foam Mattress In Lafayette

by | May 10, 2017 | Shopping

Mattresses are usually considered a necessity because people want to sleep in comfort. However, there are many options available, making it tough to choose. A foam mattress in Lafayette may be the most suitable choice because of the variety of benefits you’ll find, such as relief from pressure points and perfect alignment at night.

Pressure Points

One of the best reasons to consider these mattresses is that they can prevent pressure points on the heaviest parts of your body, such as the shoulders and hips. Springs will ultimately resist the weight and push upwards on the body even while gravity pulls you down, which creates those pressures. Foams are designed not to reduce the weight and conform to you, distributing your weight evenly across the bed.


Foam mattresses in Lafayette also provide better alignment. When you sleep on traditional beds, the back isn’t supported, and the neck may be too high. The goal of these beds is to promote natural alignment of the spine, so your backside doesn’t sink into the bed, throwing you out of alignment.

Fewer Allergens

Because these foams are denser, they naturally resist microbes and allergen buildup. Traditional mattresses have open spaces and fluffy fibers, allowing dust mites and mold to freely build up. As long as you care for them appropriately and choose a hypoallergenic one, you may find that you wake up without stuffiness.

Don’t Feel Motions

Another problem with traditional beds is that when a partner shifts or gets up, you are woken up. You don’t get as restful of sleep because even if you don’t wake, your body senses it. However, foams are denser, which absorbs any motion, ensuring a good night’s sleep.

A foam mattress in Lafayette is one of the best products imaginable for a variety of reasons. Visit Mattress Direct today to start shopping.

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