The Basics Of The Trane Helirotor Compressor

by | Mar 27, 2017 | Tools and Equipment

New technology and advances in all types of cooling system components lead to greater efficiency, longer life cycles and system that are more cost effective to operate both on a short as well as a long-term basis.

A good example of this is the Trane Helirotor compressor. While not brand new on the market, Trane continues to develop cutting edge technology for their systems and components that provide dependable, quality cooling for both small as well as large systems and spaces.

Limited Moving Parts

One of the essential considerations with the Trane Helirotor compressor is a low speed and drive that is a hallmark of the brand. This allows for increased energy efficiency, which is a critical factor for all commercial or industrial applications.

The system only uses two moving parts with the rotary design. With few moving parts, there is much less risk of system failure within the life cycle. There is also less maintenance required on the system, which is another plus to this design and choice.

The only maintenance required with this compressor is a once a year oil analysis. This can be done very easily without any downtime on the system. Additionally, as there are no shaft seals or gearboxes, other common maintenance chores are simply not required.

Lower Levels of Operating Noise

The Trane Helirotor compressor has been designed to lower the level of vibration created with the operation of the system. This results in lower sound levels between this compressor and others on the market.

The combination of low energy requirements, high efficiency and the use of the Trane Adaptive Control system allows for full automation of diagnostics this is a very low-cost compressor to operate. The system also allows for very tight levels of temperature control, limiting temperature swings even for extremely sensitive chilling requirements.

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