The Benefits Gained From Choosing a Bail Bondsman in Mesa, AZ

by | Dec 20, 2022 | Law

After a loved one has been arrested, there will be several options as to what to do. This can be a very stressful time and you definitely want to make sure that you are making the right decision. This is why it is usually recommended that you choose affordable bail bonds in Mesa, AZ. There are many reasons why this is so.

Keep Your Assets

When a court decides on the amount of bail, they are including the value of all of your assets, such as your house and car. This does not mean that you necessarily have this kind of money in your bank account. By going through a bail bondsman, you only pay a small percentage of the total requested bail plus a service fee that the bondsman keeps. The bondsman puts up the remaining percentage of the bail. This allows you to not have to liquidate your assets as well as keeps more of your money liquid which you may need for such things as a lawyer or rehab fees.

Possible Payment Plans

If the bond is especially high, the affordable bail bonds in Mesa, AZ agency may be able to offer you a payment plan to pay your share of the percentage. This is a great option for those who have good credit but simply do not have that kind of money laying around.

Keep Investments

Many unwary people actually tap their investment holdings when they need to cover bail. However, this comes with its own set of penalties and loss of interest income. Choosing a bail bondsman is a much better way to handle the situation.

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