The Benefits Your Patients Gain From Using A Holter Monitor In Your Clinic

by | Jun 21, 2021 | Health Care

Having an undiagnosed heart condition can be a terrifying experience if it results in an episode. However, what is even scarier is when you go to the hospital or clinic and they cannot find anything wrong with you. In these cases, the doctor will insist that you wear a device called a Holter monitor. Here are the benefits that you can expect from wearing one.


One aspect that patients strongly prefer when it comes to a portable ECG machine is the fact that they are completely non-invasive. There is no penetration from the machine at all. The process is quite simple, actually. Pads that are slightly sticky on one side are attached to the skin and the monitoring ensues. When the monitoring is finished, the pads are simply removed from the skin.

Constant Monitoring

Another benefit is that the heart is constantly monitored when the device is worn. It will capture every single heartbeat that occurs while the patient is wearing it. The doctor is then able to see even the tiniest of errors and can make a diagnosis from there.

Ultimate In Safety

Theer are no side effects or risks when it comes to wearing a portable ECG machine. Whereas injections, medicines, or other methods all come with a modicum of risk, there are none when it comes to a Holter monitor. In fact, the only unpleasant aspect that has been reported by patients is a slight irritation when it comes to the adhesive on the strip.

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