The Businesses That Need Hospitality Insurance

by | Mar 21, 2013 | Insurance

If you own a business in the hospitality industry, your main focus should be on caring for your customers. When disaster strikes, however, you could find your business interrupted and your establishment in ruins. When you have hospitality insurance coverage, you might be protected against the various things that can happen, helping you get back to business as soon as possible. It is important to ensure your insurance is made for the type of hospitality business you’re in, such as a hotel, restaurant or grocery store.


When you run a hotel, you have to protect the building itself, as well as the people and things inside your hotel. When you cover the building and its contents, you cover any type of natural disaster or other problem that occurs to the actual structure of your building. You should also consider liability insurance and business interruptions coverage. This coverage is especially important for times when your hotel is forced to close for a long period of time.


When you own a restaurant, you are subjected to many scenarios. You will still need to worry about building and contents insurance, as well as general liability. In addition, if you sell alcohol or you offer delivery service, you will need a large number of other types of coverage on your hospitality insurance. Take into close consideration liquor liability risks, as well as automobile coverage to protect your drivers. You also need to consider food contamination issues and worker’s compensation.

Grocery Stores

Grocery stores also require special insurance to protect them against a variety of issues that can occur out of their control. The building and its contents should, of course, be covered. If you do not own the building, your agent can provide you with content insurance to protect your belongings. In addition, you need to be protected against any issues that occur due to food spoilage or equipment that breaks down. You should also inquire about personal liability and product liability coverage in the event anyone gets hurt on your property or while using a product you sold them.

Each business in the hospitality industry has its own requirements for protection. It is important to talk with a reputable agent about the exact needs for hospitality insurance for your exact business. When you are up front about everything you deal with and could come into contact with, your agent will be able to provide you with the most accurate insurance.

For more information about hospitality insurance and what the requirements are for your business, visit website.

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