The Buzz Around Lexani Wheels

by | Feb 5, 2016 | Shopping

There are really two different ways to go about buying aftermarket rims and wheels for any vehicle. One is to buy on price alone, just going for the lowest cost option out there that will look decent on your car. The other is to buy for quality and top appearance, and this is where Lexani wheels come into the picture.

You will find Lexani wheels are some of the most recognized and recommended brands of aftermarket wheels for luxury vehicles, upscale customized vehicles and for executive types of vehicles. These are not your run of the mill wheels, and every aspect of their design and their manufacturing highlights that difference.

The Lexani Difference

One of the main differences in Lexani wheels is that they don’t make rims for a variety of different markets and price points. They market only to the luxury vehicle and custom aftermarket.

This translates into wheels that are designed with care, with the highest quality control, and with perfection in everything from design go the choice of colors and finishes offered. With this quality control, these are wheels that are going to outlast those cheaper wheels, which need to be considered when comparing your options.

Models and Lines

As with all manufacturers, Lexani wheels come in several different lines. One of the most popular options is the Wraith wheels, which have a slightly larger center and a pinwheel pattern of finer spokes extending to the outer edge of the lip of the rim. This gives almost a dimensional look to the wheels which is enhanced by contrasting colors to bring out the design.

Another amazing look is offered in the Gravity line. These have a forked spoke from the center of the rim, with detailing down the middle of each branch of the fork. They also extend to the outside lip of the rim, and they have the classic concave design that really stands out on these Lexani wheels.

There are several different lines and models of the Lexani rims that feature the classic five-spoke designs. As can be expected, the company puts their own twist and attention to detail on these wheels, making instantly stand out from the other similar options.

Depending on the model and design, Lexani wheels can range from the twenty to twenty-eight inch size. They are also available in a wide range of finishes and color options that are ideal for any type of vehicle and any look you want to achieve.

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