The Challenges Involved in a Revelations 16 Commentary

by | Dec 12, 2013 | Religion logoWhile biblical stories have captured people’s attention for hundreds if not thousands of years, perhaps there is no one book of the Bible that has an appeal both to Christians and non-Christians quite like the book of Revelations. Perhaps one of the reasons why things like revelation 16 commentary is so difficult to pin down is not only are there a number of different theological beliefs on when and how events in Revelations will unfold but a great deal of mystery as to the cryptic nature of Revelations.

One of the areas of Revelations where there seems to be some consensus is concerning the first few chapters of Revelations where the writer of the book, the apostle John is writing to the various churches in existence during the time he was pinning the book of Revelations. However, John was given a vision from God about events that were yet to come and there are many people that believe that what John was seeing was so foreign to him that he had difficulty putting it into words that would be easily explainable to a modern-day audience.

What this is done is cast a great deal of doubt as to exactly what John was talking about in his prophetic visions throughout the book of Revelations. There many theologians and biblical scholars that have drawn some interesting conclusions as to some of the things John was talking about. Since John had no reference to refer back to about some of the things that God was showing him, it has left a significant task for people looking to decipher and to explain Revelations to a very captive audience.

There are many different biblical commentaries, some are noteworthy and others simply exist to promote a certain theological belief that some may find quite controversial. That’s why it’s important that if you’re looking for some sort of clarity and you’re looking for something that you can personally believe, it’s important to look at more than just one commentary. There are many areas where biblical scholars will agree and other areas where there will be a great divergence from one theologian to another. Who’s right remains to be seen, but understanding the book of Revelations is an important concept for all believers regardless of whether you believe in one theological opinion or the other.

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