The Dentist in Anne Arundel Can Replace Your Missing Teeth

by | Dec 15, 2014 | Dental Services

When some of your natural teeth are missing, you will most likely experience difficulty in being able to chew some foods. Aside from functional concerns, people also experience problems feeling confident in their appearance. If you have been hiding your smile because of your missing teeth, you need to know there is a solution. Through the Dentist in Anne Arundel, your missing teeth can be replaced with beautiful dental implants that look and perform like your own natural teeth.

The process for getting dental implants takes time. It is carried out in two different steps. The first step involves the placement of metal anchors in your gum tissue. These metal anchors are crafted from titanium. Titanium is the only metal that will bond with human bone tissue. As the bone begins to grow around the anchor, this allows them to become a permanent part of your jawbone.

The bonding and healing process normally takes between three and six months to accomplish. This will depend on your health and age. Younger people will typically grow bone tissue much faster than those who are older or in poor health.
Once this process is complete, you will be able to come back in to receive your teeth. This involves the dentist placing your artificial tooth onto each metal anchor. The anchor will act as your tooth’s roots so you can have completely normal function. This will allow you to eat the foods you love and avoid damage to your implants.

It is important you properly care for your implants so you can avoid damage. Your dentist will instruct you on caring for your implants so they last for many years. With proper care, implants may be able to last a lifetime.

To learn if dental implants are for you, you will need to schedule a consultation appointment with the Dentist in Anne Arundel. Through an examination, the dentist can rest assured you are a good candidate for this procedure.

For more information, contact Annapolis Dental Associates and schedule an appointment right away. This will allow the dentist to examine you and give you further information on dental implants so you can make an informed decision.

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