The different types of automatic fire protection systems

by | Apr 14, 2016 | Fire Protection

Automatic fire protection and suppression equipment is designed to impede the spread of a fire or to extinguish it altogether and it does so without any need for human intervention. These types of systems work when they are activated by an alarm, either a fire alarm or smoke alarm. These fully automatic commercial fire protection services in NJ allow personnel to escape the building and to limit the amount of fire and smoke damage. The greatest majority of these fully automatic systems are found in commercial structures but they are equally effective when installed in a home.

The most common automatic fire protection system found in a commercial building is a wet sprinkler installation. This type of fire suppression system consists of a series of different size pipes that are full of water. Along the length of the piping system there is a series of sprinkler heads, the spacing of the sprinkler head is calculated by those involved in the initial design. A typical sprinkler head consists of a glass bulb which is filled with liquid, when the liquid is exposed to elevated temperatures it bursts, allowing a steady flow of water. As a fire invariably starts somewhere, only the sprinklers located in close proximity to the blaze activate, this saves unnecessary cost associated with water damage.

Although the typical system is designed to activate only close to the fire there are systems where all heads work at the same time. In the event of a fire all the heads release water, these types of systems are usually installed in high risk operations such as a chemical plant or a facility storing flammable material.

There are commercial fire protection services in NJ that are not charged with water, these installations are called “dry pipe” systems. The piping system is filled with air rather than water. This arrangement requires two separate alarm signals to function, the first signal activates the flow of water into the pipes, once the sprinkler head senses a high temperature, then and only then does the bulb burst allowing water to douse the flames. These types of systems or a chemical fire suppression system are favored for installation in such facilities as libraries or museums.

In a chemical system the sprinkler heads release a dry chemical which smothers the blaze, denying the fire of oxygen which is needed to support combustion. This system is used where water damage to books, paintings and other works of art is something to be avoided.

Newark Professional Fire Protection Corp offer a host of commercial fire protection services in NJ. The services include sprinkler system design, installation and inspection as well as fire hydrant and fire pump inspection and more.

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