The Frustration of Finding Out You Might Have Bought a Lemon

by | Jul 11, 2019 | Lawyer

Purchasing a new or used car is one of life’s greatest moments. Owning a car is one of those instances when you open up new doors of freedom and exploration. Your life really becomes your own once you can go where you want to go, when you want to go there. However, the freedom and joy quickly dissipate when you begin to experience near immediate breakdowns when driving your vehicle. Maybe you find out a taillight isn’t working. Then the transmission seems to sputter. Before you know it, you’re broken down on the side of the road wondering what you did to deserve this situation.

You’re not alone. If you’re facing this type of buying experience, then your vehicle might be what is known as a “lemon,” a newly purchased vehicle that has several manufacturing defects right off the bat. It’s not that you’re driving irresponsibly or that the vehicle has a few old parts wearing out. The vehicle itself was flawed during the manufacturing process, and no amount of repair work is going to fix all of the problems at once. People who buy lemons are very understandably upset and want to know how they can get this cursed vehicle off their hands.

Luckily, there is legislation in place that can help you, and there are legal representatives offering their services as well. A federal law called the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act applies to the lemon law in Missouri. What you need is a company who can determine how many repair attempts you’ve made to fix your vehicle’s defects, whether or not your car is a safety hazard on the road, and how many days your vehicle is out of commission due to the fact that it might be a lemon. A company can step in and help you make sense of this mess.

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