The Fundamentals Of Ecological Landscaping

by | Jul 16, 2024 | Landscaping

Today, landscape design offers many options. One that is gaining increasing traction is ecological landscaping. In cities such as Asheville NC, working with nature to preserve existing natural biodiversity is being utilized to achieve aesthetically pleasing but environmentally sensitive landscapes.

What Is Ecological Landscaping?

Ecological landscape design is an approach that works with nature. It examines an existing natural habitat and improves its biodiversity by 

  • Preserving the existing biodiversity of the landscape
  • Adding pollinator-attracting plants
  • Integrating native plants
  • Introducing features that improve the existing ecosystem.

The design is translated into a viable concept that applies the consideration of the existing landscape into a concrete form. The result is an enhancement of the site and the surrounding environment. 


Fundamental to the creation, implementation, and maintenance of any site, is a belief in a holistic and sustainable approach to the designing and building natural spaces. Ecological landscaping in Asheville NC believes that the best way to design for the well-being of humans on this planet is to recognize the intertwined and inescapable close relationship between us and the natural environment. 

An ecological approach embraces this link and works to help reinforce it. Adopting this approach is a viable, reliable, and practical means of personally addressing and adapting to climate change. The installation of ecological designs into a garden can accomplish several things in this area:

  • The reduction of greenhouse gases 
  • Increased plant, animal, and insect biodiversity
  • Creation of healthy places and spaces

These provide pride and hope for the future.

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