The Loss Of A Tooth No Longer Means Dentures Or Bridges

by | Mar 9, 2017 | Dentist

In the past when a person lost a permanent tooth through decay or accident they were forced to turn to a bridge or denture. These two solutions are still very popular but advanced dental technology has allowed the profession to introduce a third solution, a solution far better than either dentures or bridges. The ultimate solution to missing teeth is to have dentists in Yorktown Heights NY set a dental implant. A dental implant is basically a new tooth that looks feels and performs identical to the tooth that was lost.

The procedure:

There is only a small percentage of people that are not good candidates for dental implants, it is important that the gums are in excellent condition and that there is sufficient jaw bone to hold the titanium implant. The procedure, although it may take six months or so, is actually quite straight forward. The first step is to prepare the jaw bone for the implant; once the implant and bone have fused the dentist will install an abutment that in turn holds a crown. Dentists in Yorktown Heights NY find the success rate for implants to be almost 100 percent, they last a lifetime when proper dental hygiene is practiced.

Benefits of dental implants:

Compared to dentures and bridges, dental implants have a number of unique benefits. When a tooth is extracted there is a tendency for the jaw bone to shrink, this is not the case with a dental implant. With a bridge it is necessary to grind the teeth on either side of the gap to accept the bridge which can cause problems and of course with dentures, there is always the problem with them slipping while eating or talking. With a dental implant there is no evidence whatsoever that you have an artificial tooth.

Dental implants can be used as a replacement for one or more teeth or they can be used to solidly anchor a full denture. For more additional info, visit the website Website Domain.

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