The Number One Reason You Should Use a Pool Cleaner in Palm Beach County

by | Feb 1, 2020 | Cleaning Services

When there is algae and debris in your pool, it throws the chemistry off. And when the chemistry is thrown off, there are only two ways to fix it. You will either need to add more chemicals to balance it out, or you will need to replace the dirty water with clean water.

For most people, replacing the dirty water with clean water is the best option. Especially if you don’t want your small children to be exposed to harsh chemicals.

Depending on the size of your pool, draining even a few inches could require several gallons of water over the course of a year.

With a pool cleaner however, you will end up saving gallons of water over the course of a year. And that is the number one reason you should use a pool cleaner in Palm Beach County.

Pool cleaners at ABA Pools work nonstop ridding your pool of algae and debris. This keeps the chemicals in the pool balanced, which means you will be less likely to need to drain the water.

A pool cleaner will also cut back on the number of times you will need to backwash your filters. Backwashing is a method used to clean the filter by flushing water back through it. Every time you backwash, you waste a ton of water.

While a pool cleaner will not eliminate the need for backwashing, it will reduce how often it needs to be done.

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