The Orthopedic Surgeon Panama City Fl Uses the Latest High-Tech Procedures

by | Dec 26, 2013 | Healthcare

Orthopedic surgery is available in Panama City FL where multiple rehabilitation services are also available. Surgery is only part of the orthopedic healing process. Rehabilitation services are important post-surgery, and as a treatment for skeletal-muscle disorders without surgery.
Orthopedic services are determined by the high-tech diagnostic systems that help the surgeon make a well-informed recommendation. These are:

1. Digital Imaging is primarily a fluoroscopic imaging consists of an x-ray source and a fluorescent screen between which the patient is placed. This equipment has multiple usages for orthopedic care.

2. MSK Ultrasound provides image evaluation of multiple anatomical structures to assist the surgeon in making a diagnosis.

3. Digital X-Ray can be transmitted in a file delivery system to other diagnostic locations.

Many non-invasive procedures are used for interventional pain management with Radio frequency Ablation to decrease pain signals, Spinal Injections, Spinal Decompression, and EMG Nerve Conduction Studies.

Minimally Invasive Procedures are used by the Orthopedic Surgeon in Panama City FL area to treat problems that do not require invasive open surgery. These procedures enable the patient to resume their normal life almost immediately. These procedures leave very small and very few scars. The procedures are known as:

1. Endoscopic which uses a minimally invasive devices called an endoscope which is composed of fiber optic cables, and cameras with surgical instruments inserted into the body through a small tube. Images are transmitted back to a video monitor allowing the surgeon to make a diagnosis and then proceed surgically to correct the problem.

2. Arthroscopic is a procedure similar to the Endoscopic procedure except the same types of instruments are inserted into the joint through a very small incision. This is often an evaluation procedure, but it can also be used as corrective procedure for torn ligaments and damaged cartilage.

3. Percutaneous is a corrective procedure involving a needle-puncture guided by Musculoskeletal Ultrasound.

An Orthopedic Surgeon Panama City FL uses many recently developed knee and shoulder resurfacing procedures which eliminates the need for replacing the knee, and the shoulder area is minimally affected. Recovery is faster and the return to an active lifestyle is faster.
The Orthopedic Surgeon in Panama City has access to evidence-based medicine which enables the surgeon to make an assessment of the risk of benefit and harm rom a specific procedure based on mathematical estimates. This process is based on an approved clinical database which enables the surgeon to make a multi-discipline comparison of surgical techniques and implants. For more information, contact Panhandle Orthopaedics.

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